
Thursday, June 15, 2017

[DREAMJET KOREA/UV PRINTER/FLATBED PRINTER] Memo Pads / Scratch Paper Print / Memo Pads UV Print Sample


Memo Pads / Scratch Paper UV Print Sample

Today, I'm gonna show you the Scratch Paper Printing Sample.
I already set the paper on the mould. 
Let's look the materials.

This time use the mould for stable. 

and now i set on the printer tray.

and for stable, i use the magnetic bars, around the mould.

Color Inks : 30% (Mix Dot)
Resolution : 1440 x 1440 dpi

As you can see, the inks was dried by the UV LED Lamp at the same time. 

This is done to print.

By the 1440 x 1440 dpi printing, the printed image is very vivid and clear.


Color Inks : 50%
Resolution : 1440 x 720 dpi
Can you see the movement?
It is more faster than 1440 x 1440 dpi.

The image quality is more poor than 1440 x 1440 dpi.
but the inks amount was raised, so it seems that the image quality is good.

At last, I will arrange the print 720 x 720 dpi.
Color Inks : 65% (Mix Dot)
Resolution 720 x 720 dpi

The printing time is very short by 720 x 720 dpi.

But the image quality is very poor than the others.

1440 x 1440 dpi / Color Inks 30%

1440 x 720 dpi / Color Inks 50%

720 x 720 dpi / Color Inks 65%
If it print the 2 sets of paper moulds (300mm),
 1. 720 x 720 dpi (300mm) : 1m 44sec 
2. 1440 x 720 dpi (300mm) : 3m 15sec
3. 1440 x 1440 dpi (300mm) : 6m 15sec
It can use the sales promotion gift.

All sample is printed by Our DREAMJET329 UV Printer.
If you have any further inquiry please feel free to contact me,
i will try my best to reply you as soon as quickly!
Thanks for watching!

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